Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Summer Days

Today has been filled with potting flowers at our house. Noah was very helpful, digging up everything as fast I could plant it and needless to say he was potting soil from head to toe today. I would have taken a picture but I seem to have left my camera at my parent's house.

Our fearless little boy has also mastered climbing the fence in the front of the house and thinks he should straddle the top rail like he is riding a horse. This feat would be fine if there was grass on each side to cushion his inevitable fall but one side has rocks and the other side is sidewalk. I am hoping this is a phase he will quickly grow out of...climbing everything and anything and jumping from it. Noah is developing his "hops" skills quiet well and it definitely be very beneficial to his future sports days.

I have been enjoying the heat of summer the last couple of days and am hoping that the beautiful weather is here to stay. I hope everyone is enjoying summer and for all the kiddos who's last day of school was yesterday, I hope you are having a great 1st day of summer vacation!

1 comment:

  1. Noah is growing like a weed! I love to hear every detail. Can't wait to see him this weekend and you too? I hope. All is going well here. Sy and I went on a field trip yesterday which I will post about later today.
    It was pretty cool....he had a great time.
    So, my dear, what did you attempt to pot in your planters? Anxious to see.
    Have a great day and
