Thursday, May 26, 2011

New Rental Home

Today, my fiancée and I are preparing to move into our new rental home. Exciting! Right? Though I am thrilled we have place to call our own, I have one huge problem! I am a germ freak! So I will spend the better half of today disinfecting anything and everything I can. My fiancée laughs at me all the time, as I have this germ frenzy just about every where we travel to! He doesn't seem to be bothered by germs! Boys what can I say!

So other than fighting germs all day, it will be exciting. We purchased new items for the home, so unpacking all of them and actually getting to use them will be loads of fun. Moving always is fun to me. Packing up all of your things is a great time to clean out the closets, I tend to purge when moving. That way I also have an excuse to go shopping after the move. Then there is the excitement of unpacking and organizing the new house, trying to find the right place for everything. Nothing beats the trill of the 1st dinner as well. The feeling of home starting to set in.

So have a great day and I will keep you posted on the events of moving!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Memorial Day visits

Today, my great Uncle Norm is coming to visit for his annual Memorial Day visit. It is a day of the year that I look forward to. My uncle is in his early 80's and life is starting to take a hold of him. I enjoy spending time with him, he reminds me of my grandpa who passed away in January of '99. He comes for just a few hours but most of it is spent laughing and talking about the "good ole days."  Though he is getting older, he still has his memory and I throughly enjoy picking it. I love to hear about history and the best kept secrets are from the men who were actually there and lived it. So hearing about their experiences is something I take full advantage of!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

New Blog

Well, I am a new blogger. My soon to be mother-in-law and her sisters all blog, so I thought that I would see what this is all about. So either I will catch the fever or this blog will cease to exist. So wish me luck!